Sunday, November 21, 2010

So this is how you do it...

There are many days where I am what one could possibly call a 'blog stalker' not something I am proud of, but it does happen--especially when Mark is at work, it's snowing, and I still haven't showered for the day (but what's the point, it's already 3:00), so, I am basically trapped in my house.  I love reading blogs especially the ones that tell life's truths...not the ones where everything is a perfect little fairy tale (because lets face it, that's not life).  I do live great life, but nothing is perfect. :)  I love to hear about the funny/crazy/even more serious things life brings us.  It is nice to know that we are not the only ones facing these situations. We will see if I continue to 'blog' not sure if this is a one time, extremely bored, type blog attempt.  Therefore, I am also keeping this a secret until I fully commit.  

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