Thursday, December 9, 2010

Babies, Babies, and More Babies

Today one of my best, most dear, amazing friends officially became a REAL mom!  She had little Stella at 11:19, 4 days overdue- she came on her own account and made a grand entrance into this world!  It is killing me to live in Idaho, and not be able to see them.  I have to wait until Christmas!  Stupid miles that separate us!  Two things on my mind:

1.  Crazy that we are now at the stage of life where our friends are having babies...and the wedding stage is phasing out.  Life is a changin',  We are in our upper 20's so I guess that comes with the age.  Also, is it weird that I still feel like I am in high school and not a 'real' adult?  Even though I have a 'real' job, 'real' bills, and other 'real' adult responsibilities.  Is there ever an age where you actually feel like an adult?  Like oh, I am 35 today, today is my day to become an adult? Maybe becoming a parent might speed this process up a bit! Parents, is this true?  

2. I sort of have the b-a-b-y bug!  (Yes, it is spelled out so Mark doesn't panic! Love you babe!) I have had it before, and it seems to come and go.  And it is here now due to the fact that Court just had her baby to-day, my sister is pregnant, two people at work are prego, and I know a couple of friends that are trying, oh and not to mention Abby, the dog, who just had 5 puppies that I witnessed the birth!  It is CRAZY!!  Plus, there are 5 babies/toddlers in my family all under the age of 3-can't wait to see them in 2 weeks! There are literally babies surrounding every aspect of my life.   Mark and I do have a plan for kids, but it still is a ways off--and its top secret! :) Plus, we have so many things going on in this next year that it would not be an ideal time- lots of weddings, birthdays, and vacations. 

So to all I say...BABY! 

1 comment:

  1. I don't know, I am 32, married for 7 years, have two kids with a "real" job and bought a house and still, I swear, aren't I still in my early 20's? When I see people on tv or something that are 32, they look way older than I feel. Wasn't I just pulling an all-nighter?! NO--somehow it's been 10 years since I graduated from college! It's not just you baby!
